Projects Made By Students

Creative Coding Projects

In Coding For Future, we hope to inspire young students to be able to bring their dreams to life through programming. Below are some of the projects that some people involved with our organization have created. Explore around and see the fantastic work these young coders have programmed!

Project Categories

Mobile Game 0
Software Application 0
Scratch 7
AP Computer Science A/Principles 0

Projects Created By Our Students

Maze Game

Use your arrow keys to navigate through the maze!

Ghoul Shooter

Use your mouse to aim and shoot the ghouls with space bar!

Basketball Game

Use your arrow keys to control the cat to shoot the basketball!

Spaceship Game

Your ship will follow your cursor. Click to shoot. Avoid meteors and spaceships.

Ball Illusion Animation

Plays a cool animation that makes the ball look like it comes towards you!

Jungle Monkey Animation

Monkey eats banana!

Monkey Godzilla

The monkey wants the banana!

Create one today and submit to be shown!